Monday, May 19, 2008


My dear friend Scuba (as we affectionately call her) came to visit this weekend. We lived together in college for essentially 3 years. It was a big deal because I had not met her new husband, Matt, yet (I was very sick the day of her wedding and could not attend) and she had not met Zachary! It had been about 4 years since we had seen each other so it was a sweet reunion.

This girl is a true gem, I miss her so much!

Of course we had to visit Chili's! He smiles on command now ...well, at least sometimes (when he isn't chewing!) mmm....
He's already a gamer

We finally had a good excuse to visit Wheaton's Wade Center and see the wardrobe that inspired C. S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia!

Thanks to Matt - handyman extraordinaire! - our lawnmower is working again.

And so we said goodbye to our meadow...

1 comment:

The Zarlenga Family said...

Dear Stacy,

It is so good to see your sweet faces! Oh, how we miss ya'll and think of you often!

Sending much, much love from the Zarlengas!