I attended the conference with my mother-in-law, Jani. We were in the second row on the first night to hear John Piper speak on true womanhood opening with the line, "wimpy theology makes wimpy women!" It was awesome to be there. God moved among us as over 6,000 women showed up to see what He would do!

Here is a link to the conference schedule where you can hear for yourself what we were so blessed to be a part of.
In the wake of this conference I have been left with new questions of what it means to live as a True Woman. I have been helped by the resource Nancy Lee DeMoss sends out via email called the True Woman Make-over. In addition to this I am taking a class at Wheaton College. As a student's wife I found out that I can audit classes for free and so I'm taking advantage of this! I chose Carla Waterman's class called Women in the Kingdom. Tonight (10/30) will be our second class and I can already tell that I'm going to be greatly helped through Carla's wise teaching.
May the Lord not let me rest in a season of contentment, but continue to flame my thirst for Him until I am completely satisfied in his presence!
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (Christ), for they shall be satisfied. - Matthew 5:6
1 comment:
Wow, this sounds excellent! What a blessing! I join you in seeking to be a True Woman of God's standards and not the world's. I'm going to check out those links now. Thanks.
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